Lawyers at Aksoy IP discuss why a delay in implementing a new procedure for cancelling trademarks in Türkiye is causing a headache for practitioners
Burak Yüceel outlines six characteristics that make a successful IP practitioner and explains why Alan Turing is an inspiration
Practitioners reveal how changes to non-use cancellations, first outlined in 2017 but yet to be formalised, are affecting their strategies
Yasemin Kenaroğlu tells us about setting up ‘IP School’, Turkish coffee, and why IP is like an iceberg
Sponsored by Gün and PartnersMutlu Yıldırım Köse and Merve Çimen Sevine of Gün + Partners consider several Turkish decisions protecting copyrighted entertainment works when characters, titles, and associated signs have featured in trademark applications
Sponsored by Gün and PartnersSelin Sinem Erciyas and Beste Turan of Gün and Partners explain why the World Trade Organization's response to the EU’s claims regarding Chinese preliminary injunction decisions will have a far-reaching impact
Sponsored by Gün and PartnersBarış Kalaycı and Begüm Soydan Sayılkan of Gün and Partners explain why trademark infringers have flocked to a popular part of the Turkish coast, and suggest what should be done in response
Sponsored by Gün and PartnersSelin Sinem Erciyas, Zeynep Çağla Üstün, and Beste Turan of Gün and Partners explain a decision by the Turkish Civil Court for Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights that set an important precedent for the protection of pharmaceutical patent holders’ rights
Sponsored by Gün and PartnersSelin Sinem Erciyas, Zeynep Çağla Üstün, and Aysu Eryaşar of Gün + Partners report on a decision that could help prevent the filing of malicious and tactical invalidation actions in Turkey
Sponsored by Gün and PartnersMutlu Yıldırım Köse, Baran Güney, and Su Yücel of Gün + Partners analyse recent court decisions in Turkey aimed at tackling the complex legal relationship between trade names and trademark infringement