Managing IP has collated insights from IP experts in several Asian jurisdictions that are significant markets for many Japanese companies
12th annual awards announce winners
The Women in Business Law Awards is excited to present its shortlist for the 2022 APAC Awards.
The Asia-Pacific awards research cycle has begun – don’t miss out on this opportunity to get recognised
Sponsored by Tilleke & GibbinsWaralee Sripawadkul of Tilleke & Gibbins says that the overturning of a decision on a trademark application by ExxonMobil could have a substantial impact in the area of non-traditional marks
Sponsored by Tilleke & GibbinsSher Hann Chua of Tilleke & Gibbins Thailand discusses the latest revision to Thailand’s guidelines on franchising, focusing on the changes to the first-refusal requirement
Sponsored by Tilleke & GibbinsSuebsiri Taweepon and Waralee Sripawadkul discuss a recent decision in a case concerning a store layout, which led to the highest-ever damages award in a trademark case in Thailand
Sponsored by Satyapon & PartnersSatyapon & PartnersのKritsana MingtongkhumとShantanu Ajit Tambeが、マドリッドプロトコル・ルートでタイに新規商標出願する場合と直接出願する場合を比較し、そのメリットとデメリットについて解説します
Sponsored by Satyapon & PartnersKritsana Mingtongkhum and Shantanu Ajit Tambe of Satyapon & Partners discuss the pros and cons of filing new trademark applications in Thailand via Madrid compared to direct filings
Sponsored by Tilleke & GibbinsKannicha Wungmuthitakul of Tilleke & Gibbins considers a case in Thailand that addresses the registration of a game title as a trademark