South Africa
Patent attorney Joanne van Harmelen reflects on how her move from full-service firm ENSafrica to IP outfit Adams & Adams has affected her practice
The drugmaker is reportedly accused of excessive pricing for anti-TB drug bedaquiline and patent evergreening
The LMG Life Sciences Awards is excited to present its shortlist for the 2022 EMEA Awards
Managing IP has published the IP STARS 2022 trademark rankings online
Sponsored by Adams & AdamsAlissa Naran and Nicole Smalberger of Adams & Adams explain the latest developments on protecting trademarks in Africa, in the first of a three-part podcast series
Sponsored by Spoor & FisherIP judgments in Zimbabwe are unusual, says Chris Walters of Spoor & Fisher Jersey. So the recent Supreme Court decision in Cairns Foods v Netrade Marketing is welcome
Sponsored by Spoor & FisherJennifer Colantoni of Spoor & Fisher highlights the key features of the new Industrial Property Act in Mauritius, which comes into force in 2022
Sponsored by Adams & AdamsDanie Dohmen and Russell Bagnall of Adams & Adams, and in-house counsel Natasha Wright, consider the recent trends in pharmaceutical patent litigation in South Africa and discuss how the enforcement environment evolved during the pandemic
Sponsored by Adams & AdamsJenny Pienaar and Kareema Shaik of Adams & Adams consider pharmaceutical registration in the larger African markets, dealing with the challenges of registration and the subsequent enforcement of rights
Sponsored by Adams & AdamsGodfrey Budeli and Jan-Harm Swanepoel of Adams & Adams explain the latest developments in anti-counterfeiting, in the first of a three-part podcast series on IP enforcement of pharma in Africa