German courts are now permitting the service of claims on Chinese respondents by publication to ensure effective legal protection. Marco Stief of Maiwald contrasts this approach with the Unified Patent Court’s stricter stance
In concluding a two-part series on springboard injunctions, Marco Stief of Maiwald takes a deeper dive to explain their requirements, review case law, and examine their relevance in the pharmaceutical and life sciences sectors
In the first of two articles on the springboard doctrine, Marco Stief of Maiwald explains how the protective effect of a patent can continue to have an impact after the term of protection has ended
Marco Stief of Maiwald considers a regulatory proposal designed to promote antimicrobial R&D and address the ineffectiveness of patent protection, but points out that the proposal lacks clarity and there might be a high price to pay
Marco Stief of Maiwald reports on a ruling by the CJEU that significantly extends the liability of online platforms for third-party trademark infringement and explains what it means for online marketplaces and trademark owners