Penelope Aspinall, of IP wellbeing charity Jonathan’s Voice, explains why managers should take a three-tiered approach to looking after workers’ mental health
Exclusive data and analysis reveal how firms can differentiate themselves when it comes to costs and value
INTA’s foray into the business of law, including why IP is crucial to third-party investors, is a sign of the times
A CJEU copyright decision on employees' rights and an update on an IP feud concerning foreign rights over 'Superman' were also among the top talking points
Sponsored by Bird & BirdMax Walters joins Sally Shorthose and James Baillieu of Bird & Bird and Henry Hadad of Bristol Myers Squibb to discuss how COVID-19 has shaped transactional work
Sponsored by Bird & BirdCharlotte Kilpatrick joins Steve Mortinger of IBM and Toby Bond and Katharine Stephens of Bird & Bird to discuss how data rights are reshaping IP
Sponsored by Bird & BirdRichard Vary, Clemens Heusch and Matthias Schneider reveal their views on component-level versus end-point licensing and Unwired Planet