FirstLaw PC
Sponsored by FirstLaw PCKorean pharmaceutical patentees should be encouraged by the Supreme Court’s change of stance regarding selection inventions and crystalline form inventions, report Won Sang Lee and Hyung Eun Cho of FirstLaw P.C.
Sponsored by FirstLaw PC増加するデジタルヘルスケア及びバイオマーカー分野の特許出願に韓国特許庁はどのように対応し審査実務を行っているのだろうか。韓国・第一特許法人の孫世靖(ソンセジョン)弁理士が詳しく解説する。
Sponsored by FirstLaw PCSe Jeong Son of FirstLaw PC explains how the Korean Intellectual Property Office has reacted to the significant increase in patent applications across the fields of digital healthcare and biomarkers
Sponsored by FirstLaw PCKye Young Lee of the Korea Trade Commission and Hyoun Ja Park of FirstLaw PC introduce the remedies that can be sought by IP holders against unfair international trade practices involving IP infringement through the KTC’s proceedings
Sponsored by FirstLaw PCSehwan Choi of FirstLaw provides an overview of Qualcomm’s IP policy as well as related disputes concerning SEPs and FRAND commitments in Korea