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Japanese Buyers’ Guide
Sponsored by Remfry & SagarIndia is increasingly embracing electric vehicles, and there is sufficient room for development in several areas to suggest it can join the world’s leading players, says Sanhita Chatterjee of Remfry & Sagar
Sponsored by FirstLaw PCHwa-Kyun Lee and Youngmin Park of FirstLaw PC explain the South Korean courts’ methodology in determining patent-related damages and say a recent increase in the cap on punitive damages will lead to more lawsuits
Sponsored by Anand and AnandPravin Anand and Vaishali R Mittal of Anand and Anand explain how a protracted intellectual property dispute in India has finally come to an end with a triumph for Toshiba
Sponsored by Liu, Shen & AssociatesXuelan Yue of Liu Shen & Associates draws on several ‘model cases’ put forward by the Intellectual Property Court of the Supreme People’s Court of China to highlight trends in trade secret infringement cases
Sponsored by Satyapon & PartnersKritsana Mingtongkhum and Shantanu Ajit Tambe of Satyapon & Partners provide a guide to claiming trademark infringement damages in Thailand, and suggest an approach that could offer quicker resolution and yield a higher amount

Managing IP has partnered with leading IP experts to share analysis of the IP landscape in the Asian markets that are significant for many Japanese companies
Sponsored by Liu, Shen & AssociatesLiu Shen & AssociatesのXuelan Yue氏が、中国最高人民法院の知的財産裁判所によって提出されたいくつかの「モデルケース」を示しながら、営業秘密侵害訴訟に関するトレンドを紹介します。
Sponsored by FirstLaw PCFirstLaw PCのHwa-Kyun Lee氏と Youngmin Park氏は、韓国の裁判所 が特許関連の損害を決定する際の方法 論を説明し、最近の懲罰的損害賠償の 上限の引き上げが訴訟の増加につなが るだろうと述べています。
Sponsored by Anand and Anandデリー高等裁判所は、日本の多国籍企業である株式会社東芝(Toshiba)とインド企業であるTosiba Appliances Co.社(Tosiba)との間で長年続いていた「Toshiba」の商標をめぐる法廷闘争は最終的な解決に至りました。この判決は、35年にわたる法廷闘争に終止符を打つものであり、同裁判所の歴史の中で最も長期化した知的財産をめぐる紛争の1つです。
Sponsored by Remfry & SagarインドではEVの採用が拡大し、いくつかの分野で成長の余地が十分にあることから、世界のEV先進国に追いつける可能性があると、Remfry & Sagarのサンヒタ・チャタジー氏は述べています
Sponsored by Satyapon & PartnersSatyapon & Partners法律事務所のクリツァナ・ミントンクウム氏とシャンタヌ・アジット・タンベ氏は、タイにおける商標侵害の損害賠償請求についてのガイドを提供し、より迅速な解決と高額な賠償を実現するアプローチを提案しています。
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Japanese Buyers' Guide Archive
Sponsored by Remfry & SagarThe rise of AI has intensified the global focus on the protection of computer-related inventions. Pankaj Soni and Neha Malhotra of Remfry & Sagar explain how India’s legislature and judiciary have addressed the issue
Sponsored by Satyapon & PartnersKritsana Mingtongkhum and Shantanu Ajit Tambe of Satyapon & Partners review crucial Thai case law which indicates a long-awaited departure from a conservative approach to trademark non-use cancellation
Sponsored by Anand and Anand著者: Archana Shanker 、 Devinder Singh Rawat
Sponsored by Remfry & Sagar著者: Surendra Sharma, Udayvir Rana
Sponsored by Hechanova Group著者: Editha R. Hechanova, Noemi P. Rivera, Joy Marie G. Tolentino HECHANOVA GROUP
Sponsored by Obhan & AssociatesEssenese Obhan, Charul Yadav, and Sneha Agarwal of Obhan & Associates explain the limited set of conditions under which a patent application can be amended in India and what to look out for