As China wakes up to a raft of new laws and innovations, Managing IP partnered with the country’s leading IP experts to meet the sunrise
Sponsored by Panawell & PartnersVictor Guo of Panawell & Partners analyses fascinating China case law, highlighting inconsistencies in the application of trademark registration legislation
Sponsored by Kangxin PartnersRuixian Liu of Kangxin Partners considers what patentees can do to prevent claims being declared invalid because their amendments go beyond the scope of the original application
Sponsored by Vivien Chan & CoVivien Chan and Ann Xu of Vivien Chan & Co explain how brand owners can benefit from the changes introduced by the CNIPA including reducing bad faith filings
Managing IP has partnered with leading IP experts to share knowledge and solutions on China’s IP landscape in 2022
Sponsored by Beijing East IPYan Zhang and Austin Chang of Beijing East IP consider why adopting and promoting a Chinese equivalent of a foreign language mark is critical for foreign businesses to shine in China’s market
Sponsored by Wanhuida Intellectual PropertyFeng (Janet) Zheng of Wanhuida Intellectual Property provides an insight into obtaining evidence on the infringing product/process and the calculation of damages in China
Sponsored by Liu Shen & AssociatesGuanyang Yao and Zhifei An of Liu Shen & Associates provide an analysis of IP cases decided by China’s Supreme Court and consider the characteristics of each
Sponsored by Chang Tsi & PartnersMichael Wu of Chang Tsi & Partners explains why Chinese enterprises dealing with SEP litigation should respond actively to ensure the issue is litigated before the Chinese courts