Sponsored by FirstLaw PCHyoun-Ja Park and Minji Ryan Kim of FirstLaw PC analyse two significant developments as South Korea attempts to strengthen its protection of trade secrets and proprietary information involving industrial and national core technologies
Sponsored by Anand and AnandTusha Malhotra and Tanvi Bhatnagar of Anand and Anand say technological advances such as those in AI are presenting new challenges in protecting the personality rights of celebrities in India and necessitate a delicate balancing act
Asia-Pacific IP Guide Archive
Sponsored by DEQI Intellectual Property Law CorporationYanling Zhou of DEQI Intellectual Property presents a case study to depict how an applicant should seek to respond to an office action of an obvious substantive defect
IP experts have come together in Asia-Pacific IP Focus to provide insight into IP developments for 2021 and beyond.
Archana Shanker and Aastha Koolwal of Anand and Anand assess the strict interpretation of Section 59 of the Indian Patent Act and explore the limits of claim amendments allowed in India
Sponsored by FirstLaw PCKye Young Lee of the Korea Trade Commission and Hyoun Ja Park of FirstLaw PC introduce the remedies that can be sought by IP holders against unfair international trade practices involving IP infringement through the KTC’s proceedings
Sponsored by Shiga International Patent OfficeKenji Tanaka of Shiga International Patent Office conducts a statistical analysis of the effectiveness of arguments for inventive step in the Japan Patent Office examination
Sponsored by DEQI Intellectual Property Law CorporationQuan Kang of Deqi details the examination standards for subject matter, inventiveness and sufficient disclosure in the arena of AI-related inventions and makes some suggestions for drafting claims and specifications