Maohua Wang, head of the IP group at King & Wood Mallesons in China, explains how the firm’s Eversheds deal affected the IP team and how his team meets clients’ litigation needs
Loeb & Loeb has taken on the IP, corporate and compliance teams from Perkins Coie’s soon-to-be closed Beijing office
In-house counsel believe Chinese domestic firms are becoming as sophisticated as international firms, but they may not shift their portfolios just yet
Tom Treutler, who previously managed the Vietnamese office of Tilleke & Gibbins, has joined East IP
Sponsored by Wanhuida Intellectual PropertyWu Xiaohui of Wanhuida Intellectual Property explains a pioneering case heard by the Intellectual Property Court of the Supreme People’s Court and considers its implications for original and generic drug makers
Sponsored by Kangxin PartnersRuixian Liu of Kangxin Partners considers what patentees can do to prevent claims being declared invalid because their amendments go beyond the scope of the original application
Sponsored by Wanhuida Intellectual PropertyJianhui Li of Wanhuida Intellectual Property explains how China addresses the question of whether the features of an administration process limit a patented product and distinguish it from prior art
Sponsored by Wanhuida Intellectual PropertyYue Guan of Wanhuida Intellectual Property reports on a case in China that has implications for the drafting of compound patents incorporating Markush claims
Sponsored by Liu Shen & AssociatesGuanyang Yao and Ran Wang of Liu, Shen & Associates weigh up the pros and cons of pursuing both civil litigation and administrative action when seeking IP protection in China
Sponsored by AFD China Intellectual Property Law OfficeXue Li, Jingjing Wu and Mingzhao Yang of AFD China Intellectual Property Law Office review China’s recent high-level decisions on trademark ‘use’, with valuable lessons for infringement