Maohua Wang, head of the IP group at King & Wood Mallesons in China, explains how the firm’s Eversheds deal affected the IP team and how his team meets clients’ litigation needs
Loeb & Loeb has taken on the IP, corporate and compliance teams from Perkins Coie’s soon-to-be closed Beijing office
In-house counsel believe Chinese domestic firms are becoming as sophisticated as international firms, but they may not shift their portfolios just yet
Tom Treutler, who previously managed the Vietnamese office of Tilleke & Gibbins, has joined East IP
Sponsored by Lifang & PartnersYan Zhang and Xiao Wang of Lifang & Partners consider why private prosecution should be considered part of a comprehensive IP protection strategy in China
Sponsored by DEQI Intellectual Property Law CorporationYanling Zhou of DEQI Intellectual Property presents a case study to depict how an applicant should seek to respond to an office action of an obvious substantive defect
Sponsored by Vivien Chan & CoExperts from Vivien Chan & Co report on significant developments from the IP world across China and the Asia-Pacific
Sponsored by CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law OfficeGang Hu of CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office discusses the Economic and Trade Agreement between China and the US regarding the protection of geographical indications
Sponsored by Liu Shen & AssociatesJing Qu and Dongguo Liang of Liu Shen & Associates consider how to best define ‘persons skilled in the art’, while examining the development of AI technologies
Sponsored by GoldenGate LawyersLinda Zhao of GoldenGate Lawyers looks at the specific guidance issued by the Supreme Court which clarifies the application of punitive damages