Maohua Wang, head of the IP group at King & Wood Mallesons in China, explains how the firm’s Eversheds deal affected the IP team and how his team meets clients’ litigation needs
Loeb & Loeb has taken on the IP, corporate and compliance teams from Perkins Coie’s soon-to-be closed Beijing office
In-house counsel believe Chinese domestic firms are becoming as sophisticated as international firms, but they may not shift their portfolios just yet
Tom Treutler, who previously managed the Vietnamese office of Tilleke & Gibbins, has joined East IP
Sponsored by Han Kun Law OfficesXiaowei Wei and Lili Wu of Han Kun Law Offices review the guidelines for patent examination in China and propose potential strategies going forward
Sponsored by Purplevine IPXiaojuan Yu of Purplevine IP Group discusses the medical device industry in China and considers why changes to the law are welcomed
Sponsored by Lifang & PartnersYan Zhang of Lifang & Partners analyses the significance of a High Court ruling that should deter trademark hoarders from acts constituting unfair competition
Sponsored by AFD China Intellectual Property Law OfficeXue Li, Jingjing Wu and Mingzhao Yang of AFD China Intellectual Property Law Office discuss the development of the law regarding OEMs and trademark infringement in China
Sponsored by Vivien Chan & CoVivien Chan and Ann Xu of Vivien Chan & Co explain how brand owners can benefit from the changes introduced by the CNIPA including reducing bad faith filings
Sponsored by CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law OfficeAdministrative actions are an important tool for IP protection in China. Zhang Bin and Yang Yifan of CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office discuss how they can be used in practice and what advantages they offer