This list usually contains one or two, shall we say, divisive figures.
But if you were to compile a list of the 50 most influential people in almost anything this year, Vladimir Putin would likely be on it.
The invasion of Ukraine in February sent shockwaves to virtually every part of the globe.
The intellectual property legal sector uprooted from Russia, while IP offices around the world cut ties with their Russian counterpart.
Hastily introduced laws in Russia also weakened foreign brand owners’ trademark rights in response to sanctions and gave in-house counsel a new problem to solve.
Companies such as eOne, owner of Peppa Pig, fought to maintain control over their brands and stop unauthorised use.
As well as the loss of life and economic carnage caused by Putin’s war, relations between Russia, its businesses, and the rest of the world were severely, maybe irreparably, damaged.
The consequences will continue to be felt for many, many years.