Shira Perlmutter made Managing IP’s list last year for weighing in on critical issues and overseeing the implementation of the CASE Act.
This year, she makes the list for similar reasons.
Under Perlmutter, the new small-claims forum that allows parties to argue copyright matters with claims no higher than $30,000 went live in June. It’s still early days, but more than 200 parties have submitted complaints.
The office has continued to shed light on important policy matters too.
It published a report on copyright protections for press publishers in June, in which it concluded that publishers had significant protections under current law and the difficulties of funding journalism in the internet era weren’t copyright specific.
Perlmutter also oversaw efforts to make the office more user friendly.
In August, the agency expanded a pilot programme, which allowed registrants to electronically submit certain types of documents for recordation, to the public.