Like many companies, Nissan often only protects patents in a few countries in Europe. Interviewed at Managing IP’s Patent Reform Forum in Europe, Lamond said: “We’ve got to weigh up the ease of getting a single patent throughout European territories and the cost of doing just three or four territories.”
“For example, many firms only look for protection in the larger economic markets such as Germany, France and the UK,” he added.
There was much discussion at the Forum about both how companies will use the protection and litigation opportunities, and also about the threat from patent trolls.
“I’m interested in how people are going to alter their patent strategies and how they’re going to look to get protection in Europe, exactly what their filing strategy will be and also how they are going to protect against potential threats,” said Lamond.
See all the interviews from Munich on Managing IP’s YouTube channel. Note that all speakers are talking in a personal capacity, and their views are not necessarily those of their employers or clients.