1. How many counterfeit items did US authorities seize in Operation Fake Sweep, between October 1 and the Superbowl on Sunday (to the nearest thousand)?
2. What, in UK litigation, is the significance of a red bag?
3. Which car maker has won a case against a Chinese company that was selling clothes using a confusingly similar trade mark?
4. Who is the USPTO patent reform coordinator who said this week: “I love this job. It’s stressful, but it’s so cool to be part of patent law history”?
5. Top Level Domain Holdings has amassed $25 million to apply for new gTLDs. How many gTLD applications could it afford to make with this money?
All the answers can be found in articles on managingip.com posted in the past week.
Answers to last week’s quiz:
1. StarHub
2. Green
3. The Philippines
4. €7.5 billion
5. Kadir Arif