1. “A good anti-counterfeiting operation will have the sales team engaged in active intelligence gathering,” according to HP’s senior manager of company security for north Asia, Jimmy Kwok. What was Kwok’s former profession?
2. The Second Circuit last week ruled in the Louboutin red soles trade mark case. But who was the district judge whose decision invalidating the mark was overturned?
3. Which Canadian clothing designer is suing Calvin Klein alleging design patent infringement?
4. Who has joined IFPI as head of global legal policy?
5. Who said at last week’s Managing IP Forum in Shanghai: “Trade secret protection is a cheap technique to invest in IP. The key challenge is keeping your trade secrets a secret, which can be a problem.”
Answers to last week’s quiz:
1. The Electronic Frontier Foundation described Apple’s win against Samsung in California the result of “a patent system fundamentally unmoored from its constitutional goal”.
2. The Chinese government wants to see 2 million patent applications by 2015.
3. Stephen O’Dowd of Harbour Litigation Funding used to be a commercial litigator at BT.
4. According to one study, over 99% of seizures by Chinese Customs involve exports.
5. The jury foreman in Apple v Samsung was Velvin Hogan.