Monday July 2
The 10th session of the Working Group on the Legal Development of the Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks begins in Geneva.
Second Meeting of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Committee for the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing (ICNP-2) begins in New Delhi.
European Parliament begins a week-long plenary session that will discuss Customs enforcement of intellectual property rights; ACTA and the unitary patent package. Votes are expected on Wednesday.
Tuesday July 3
Court of Justice of the EU rules in Usedsoft v Oracle, a case dealing with copyright in software licences for programs downloaded online.
Thursday July 4
Court of Justice of the EU rules in Geistbeck and Geistbeck, a case relating to Community plant variety rights. The Advocate General issued an opinion in March.
Court of Justice of the EU issues an opinion in Leno Merken, a case dealing with genuine use of a Community trade mark; and Jager & Polacek v Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market, a case dealing with the right to an effective remedy.
The General Court of the Court of Justice of the EU rules in Comercial Losan v OHMI - McDonald's International Property (Mc. Baby); and Deutscher Ring v OHMI (Deutscher Ring Sachversicherungs-AG).
Friday July 6
General Court of the Court of Justice of the EUrules in Jackson International v OHMI - Royal Shakespeare (ROYAL SHAKESPEARE).