Patents in the Europe and the UK: Strategies to drive competition

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Patents in the Europe and the UK: Strategies to drive competition

By Nick Reeve and Paul Loustalan


Technology rarely stands still and new technologies rarely exist in isolation: as technology convergence carries on at pace, understanding the pitfalls and the benefits of different patent systems can give you a competitive edge. In this article, we discuss the UK's performance in areas of cutting-edge technology related to the fourth industrial revolution (4IR), the key points of the European and UK routes to patent protection, and relevant aspects of the UK courts.

Technology Convergence: a more connected future

From the minute that a new innovation is made, entrepreneurs and developers seek new uses for the underlying technology. In the telecommunications field, traditional telephones have evolved into mobile phones, camera phones, and finally smart phones – powerful portable computers a million times faster than the computers that NASA used to put a man on the moon in 1969. Recently, the deployment of 5G wireless technology has meant that complex connected systems, such as the Internet of Things, are now possible, and that the patent standards underpinning telecommunication technologies will now have a bearing on new and previously unrelated areas of industry and commerce. Of particular interest is the automotive sector, in which connected self-driving cars powered by the latest developments in Artificial Intelligence will soon communicate with each other and with centralised control systems using 5G wireless technology. The UK has a long history of making excellent contributions in this area, and we expect the UK market to continue to be of considerable importance in this more connected future.

UK Innovation (Automotive and Artificial Intelligence)

The UK Government's recent Industrial Strategy paper set out four areas of focus, referred to as Grand Challenges, for which it intends to make funding available and drive innovation. Significantly, within this grand plan, two areas of focus are "Future Mobility" and "Artificial Intelligence and Data".

For the former challenge, the UK has a long and illustrious history of innovation in the automotive field, including developments of the internal combustion engine, the compression ignition engine, and the hydrogen fuel cell. The Future Mobility Grand Challenge aims to continue this tradition by making available almost £250 million for battery R&D, as well as £1 billion to invest in low carbon powertrains. Both form part of the government's "Road to Zero: Next steps towards cleaner road transport" – a plan of nearly £1.5 billion earmarked for investment.

Research and development activity in the mobility field continues apace. The Silverstone Technology Cluster, which is part of a super cluster of 3500 companies in the arc between Oxford, Silverstone and Cambridge, has recently attracted interest, as it promises to bring the talent and research capabilities of the world's top two universities together with local world-class motorsport companies. The generation of key IP rights, secured both in the UK market and overseas appears inevitable, as collaboration between innovators leads to world class development in technology.

For the second challenge, Artificial Intelligence and Data, the UK offers a long tradition of excellence. The UK's hi-tech super-clusters based in and around London and Cambridge are frequently ranked as the largest groupings of start-up technology companies in Europe, and a recent paper by the UK IPO (United Kingdom Intellectual Property office) highlights the UK's recent success stories, including start-ups such as Deepmind, Magic Pony Technology and Swiftkey (acquired by big names such as Google, Twitter and Microsoft respectively).

The UK IPO paper points out that the UK is in the top three countries worldwide in which AI related patent applications, as a proportion of total patent applications filed, has risen most quickly (the others being the US and Australia), and that nearly 90% of first filed UK patent applications for AI innovations are filed overseas (a much larger percentage than for applications first filed in US or China for example).

The UK and European Patent Systems

Innovators have access to patent protection either nationally via the UK IPO or centrally via a European patent application filed at the EPO (European Patent Office) and designating the UK.

For companies based in the UK, first filing a patent application at the UK IPO offers low cost entry into the patent system and a quick high quality examination and search, before deciding whether to file applications overseas. Indeed, some US applicants have been known to file in the UK as soon as a US provisional application has been filed at the USPTO, solely to benefit from the UK's swift combined search and examination procedure.

Official Fees at the UK IPO are low. Official filing, search and examination fees presently cost no more than £320, including discounts available for electronic filing. Claims over 25 incur a small fee per claim, and description pages over 35 incur a small additional examination fee, but generally no further official fees due. Even renewal fees are only due after the grant of the patent, with the first fee being due on the fourth anniversary of the filing date.

The higher search, examination, designation and grant fees of the EPO reflect the wider geographical coverage offered by a European patent, as well as the EPO's considerable investment in both quality of service for applicants, and its state-of-the-art patent information systems. For European applications, renewal fees are payable in respect of each year after the third. Nevertheless, once translation and local attorney costs are factored in, the breakeven point for filing a European Application is usually reached if three or more applications in national countries are desired.

In cases where a client's budget does not stretch to filing a full European application, filing a national UK patent application is a cost effective way of securing protection in the European market. The UK is the second largest economy in Europe in terms of nominal GDP. For applications not originally filed in English, and for which an English translation of the application already exists for filing at the US PTO, protection in the UK can easily be added.

Different Routes – Different Strategies

Patent protection in the UK is available via both the national UK route, and by the designation of the UK in a granted European patent. This will continue whether or not the UK leaves the European Union, as will the ability of UK patent attorneys to file European applications. The EPO is not a European Union institution, and many non-EU states, such as Switzerland, Iceland, and Norway currently participate in the European Patent Organisation. UK based patent attorneys frequently achieve the highest pass rates in the European Patent Attorney qualifying exams, and so are well placed to act for applicants worldwide.

For UK based applicants, the UK application filed initially is often kept in force as a parallel pending application, even when protection (in the UK and other EPO participating countries) is pursued via a European patent application. This allows the applicant to take advantage of procedural benefits present in the UK system, such as the lack of an EPO style Opposition procedure, a potentially more pro-applicant stance, and the fact that the UK patent application can sometimes reach grant more quickly than the corresponding application at the EPO.

The UK applies a similar standard to examination as the EPO, but is less formal in its approach, and as a result, can appear more pro-patentee. The European Patent Office stresses patent quality, including the related burden of a granted patent on third parties, and so takes questions of unclear or overly broad claims, added subject matter, and weak inventive step arguments very seriously. While these considerations apply in the UK also, the UK IPO may give more benefit of the doubt to the applicant if a well-reasoned argument is put forward.

Combined Search and Examination is available at the UKIPO and means that for applications filed within 12 months of the priority date, the applicant receives an assessment on patentability before publication. Assuming this is favourable, the examination report can advantageously be used as the basis for a request under the Global Patent Prosecution Highway (GPPH) in other countries. Otherwise, accelerated examination at the UK IPO is possible, providing that a reason can be given, such as knowledge of an infringing act, or the application relating to environmentally friendly subject matter. The GPPH is also available in the UK and can be used to advance cases that have already been found allowable in other jurisdictions. No official fees are required for acceleration. Accelerated examination in the EPO is also available at any time using the PACE procedure.

While Japanese applicants would not be likely to first file in the UK, the advantages noted above can be obtained by filing a UK application instead of or in addition to a corresponding European Patent application covering the UK. As noted above, assuming that an English translation of the patent application exists already (for filing at the USPTO or the EPO for example) patent protection can be pursued at the UK IPO at relatively low cost.

This can be helpful if licensing or access to the UK courts is desired without delay. Furthermore, it may be possible to direct the UK application to a different embodiment of the invention compared with the claims pursued in the corresponding European application designating the UK, thereby broadening out an applicant's portfolio.


The UK Courts (FRAND, Doctrine of Equivalence, Statistics)

Against this backdrop of technological innovation it is not surprising that the UK Courts have developed an international reputation for delivering high quality decisions on complex matters of technology and law. Recently this has been particularly significant for Standard Essential Patents, where decisions such as Unwired Planet v. Huawei have built on the FRAND (Fair Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory) provisions set out in European decision such as Huawei v ZTE and have now shaped the FRAND negotiation procedure used worldwide. Patentees holding a UK patent are in the enviable position of being able to apply to the expertise of the UK Courts for various forms of declaratory relief, including injunctions, damages, declarations of infringement or non-infringement, as well as declarations that offers are FRAND offers, and orders to settle the terms of a FRAND license.

One of the key outcomes of the Unwired Planet v Huawei cases in the UK was the determination that the UK courts are competent to decide a global licensing rate. Huawei as defendant had argued that any FRAND license should be limited to the UK only, but the UK Courts both at First Instance and later at the Court of Appeal stage disagreed, arguing that licensing on a country by country basis between a willing licensee and a willing licensor was 'madness', and that accordingly the UK court was competent to decide the global rate. This principle has since been separately confirmed in the 2019 Court of Appeal decision Conversant v Huawei , in which the defendants unsuccessfully challenged the jurisdiction of the UK Court to hear the case on the ground that ongoing litigation in China made the Chinese courts more appropriate.

The pragmatism of the UK courts has also been clearly evident in its approach to patent litigation, namely its tendency to consider infringement and validity at the same time, relying on what is known as a purposive (rather than literal) approach to claim construction. Recently, and via the Supreme Court decision in the Actavis v Eli Lilly , this approach has been extended further by the introduction of a UK Doctrine of Equivalents. This brings the UK more into line with practice in Europe, and makes the UK more pro-patentee, as it provides an additional scope of protection outside of the literal or purposive wording of the claims. In 2018, the Court of Appeal decision Icescape v Ice World decision, applied the Doctrine of Equivalents to find infringement in mobile ice rink technology. The alleged infringement possessed cooling pipes arranged "in parallel" and the patent claim required them "in series". However, the inventive core of the patent was held to be the flexible pipe coupling used between the connections, such that despite this difference, infringement was found.

There is a view that the UK experiences less patent litigation than some European countries, that the relative value of those cases is typically higher than cases in other countries, and that the UK is sometimes stricter on matters such as patent validity and infringement. This does not however accurately reflect reality. The number of patents decisions in the UK (including decisions of the Intellectual Property and Enterprise Court – a streamlined court offering capped damages and reduced costs) can appear to be lower than in other jurisdictions, because the UK does not have a bifurcated system where patent infringement and patent validity hearings are separate and so count as separate decisions. Additionally, and with a view to procedural efficiency, the UK will often bundle related patents with the same parties into a single hearing lasting several days. The UK courts regard this as the best way to balance efficiency with fairness for all parties, hoping to reach decisions that accurately reflect the circumstances of the case. As a result, the number of actual cases may be higher than first appears.

Further, based on recent analysis of the court decisions, the UK courts now uphold more patent claims as valid, and find infringement in around 50% of the cases that they hear. This figure likely reflects the tendency for cases that are clearly in one party's favour to settle before court, meaning that most of the cases that the courts hear are borderline in which neither party has a strong advantage.


One of the advantages that the UK and European systems offer to applicants is flexibility. Different countries offer different approaches to patent prosecution and to patent enforcement. Both the UK and EP (UK) routes to protection may benefit an applicant depending on their circumstances, provide different pros and cons. Whichever route to protection you choose, Reddie & Grose LLP has the expertise to help.

ペヌロッパずむギリスの特蚱 ―競争促進戊略―

Nick Reeve、Paul Loustalan著


技術の統合 より぀ながった未来



むギリス政府の先の産業戊略レポヌトでは、グランドチャレンゞ ず呌ばれる4぀の重芁分野が瀺され、同政府はこれら分野に財政支揎を行っおむノベヌションを促進するこずを蚈画しおいる。興味深いこずにこの倧蚈画の䞭で「未来の移動性」ず「人工知胜ずデヌタ」の2぀が重芁分野ずされおいる。

前者の課題に぀いおは、むギリスには自動車産業における茝かしいむノベヌションの歎史があり、これには内燃゚ンゞン、圧瞮点火゚ンゞン、そしお氎玠燃料セルの開発が含たれる。未来の移動性グランドチャレンゞではこの䌝統を守ろうず、電池の研究開発におよそ2.5臆ポンドを資金提䟛し、さらに䜎炭玠パワヌトレむンに10臆ポンドを投資するこずが蚈画されおいる。いずれも、玄15億ポンドの投資予算が蚈䞊されおいる同政府の「れロ化ぞの道 よりクリヌンな道路亀通に向けた次なる䞀歩」ずいう蚈画の䞀郚を成しおいる。

移動性分野の研究開発の取り組みは高スピヌドで進んでいる。オックスフォヌド、シルバヌストヌンそしおケンブリッゞを぀なぐ円匧状地域には3500瀟の䌁業からなる広域クラスタヌがあるが、その䞀瀟The Silverstone Technology Clusterは最近、䞖界トップクラスの地元モヌタヌスポヌツ䌁業ず共に、䞖界トップの2倧孊の人材ず研究胜力を提䟛できるず請け合っお先日泚目を集めた。むノベヌタヌ同士の協業は䞖界クラスの技術開発に぀ながるため、重芁な知的財産暩を創出し、むギリス垂堎ず海倖の䞡方でそれを保護するこずが䞍可避だず思われる。

埌者の課題、人工知胜ずデヌタに぀いおは、むギリスは長きに亘っお優れた䌝統を誇っおいる。ロンドンやケンブリッゞ内やその呚蟺に拠点を構えるむギリスのハむテク広域クラスタヌは、ペヌロッパのスタヌトアップ䌁業分類の䞭では最倧ずたびたび称され、UK IPOむギリス知的財産庁による最近のレポヌト はDeepmind瀟、Magic Pony Technology瀟、そしおSwiftkey瀟それぞれGoogle、Twitter、マむクロ゜フトなどの倧䌁業に買収されたなどのスタヌトアップ䌁業を含めた、むギリスの近幎の成功゚ピ゜ヌドに光を圓おおいる。

このUK IPOのレポヌトでは、AI関連特蚱申請数が党䜓の特蚱申請数に占める割合が、最も早く増加した3カ囜のうち1぀にむギリスを挙げ他はアメリカずオヌストラリア、たずむギリスで申請されるAI発明の特蚱申請のうち、およそ90が海倖でも申請される最初にアメリカや䞭囜などで出願される特蚱申請数より倧幅に高い、ずした。


発明者はUK IPOを通しお囜内を察象に特蚱を保護するこずも、EPO欧州特蚱庁に特蚱申請を申請しおむギリスを指定し、䞭倮的に特蚱を保護するこずもできる。

むギリスに本拠地を眮く䌁業は、たずUK IPOで特蚱申請を出願するこずによっお䜎コストで特蚱システムに登録するこずができ、さらに海倖で特蚱申請するか吊かを刀断するたでに、迅速で高氎準な審査ず怜玢を利甚するこずができる。実際、アメリカの申請者の䞀郚は、むギリスの迅速な総合怜玢や審査手順を利甚するこずを唯䞀の目的ずしお、USPTOアメリカ特蚱商暙庁でアメリカでの事前申請を提出次第、むギリスで出願するこずが知られおいる。

UK IPOの手数料は䜎額である。正匏申請、怜玢および審査の料金は珟圚320ポンド以䞋で、電子申請には割匕が適甚できる。25件以䞊の申請には件に぀き少額の料金がかかり、35ペヌゞ以䞊の明现には少額の远加審査料が発生するが、通䟋、他に远加料金はかからない。曎新料でさえ、その特蚱が認可されおから初めお発生し、第1回目の支払いは申請日から4幎埌である。


顧客に党面的なペヌロッパ申請を行う予算がない堎合、ペヌロッパ垂堎で特蚱を保護するにおいおむギリス囜内での特蚱申請はコスト効率の良い方法である。名目GDPではむギリスはペヌロッパで2番目に倧きな経枈囜である。元々英語で出願しおいない申請、さらにUS PTO向け申請甚にすでに申請の英語翻蚳版が存圚する堎合、簡単にむギリスでの保護を远加するこずができる。




むギリスではEPOず類䌌の審査基準を採甚しおいるが、その方法はより簡略的で、その結果、特蚱暩所有者に察しお比范的有利であるように芋受けられる。欧州特蚱庁は、第䞉者組織に課せられる特蚱の関連責任を含めお特蚱品質に぀いお匷調しおおり、このため䞍明確たたは過剰に広範に亘る請求に関する質問、察象の远加そしお進歩性の議論を重倧芖しおいる。こういった芁玠はむギリスにも圓おはたるが、理路敎然ずした申し立おがされた堎合においお、UK IPOは申請者に善意の解釈をする堎合がある。

UK IPOでは統合怜玢ず審査が利甚でき、぀たり優先日から12か月以内に出願された申請に぀いお、申請者は公開前に特蚱性評䟡を受けるこずができる。これが奜結果だった堎合、この審査報告曞を他囜におけるグロヌバル特蚱審査ハむりェむGPPHぞの申請根拠ずしお利甚するこずができる。他には、䟵害行為の情報などの根拠が瀺される限り、たたは環境にやさしいテヌマに関連した申請など、UK IPOでは早期審査が可胜。GPPHはむギリスでも利甚でき、他の管蜄暩内で既に認められた申請の迅速化に利甚するこずができる。この迅速化に料金はかからない。EPOでも、PACE手順に基づいた早期審査が垞時可胜である。

日本の申請者が最初にむギリスで出願する可胜性は䜎いず思われるが、ペヌロッパ特蚱申請しおむギリスを指定する、もしくはそれに远加する代わりに、むギリスで申請をするこずによっお䞊述の恩恵が受けられる。前述の通り、すでに特蚱申請の英語翻蚳版が存圚するず想定し䟋えばUSPTOやEPOぞの申請甚に、比范的䜎コストでUK IPOでの特蚱保護を求めるこずができる。



この技術革新の背景の䞭にあっお、むギリス裁刀所が技術ず法埋の耇雑な事案に察しお高氎準の刀決を䞋しおいる、ず䞖界的評䟡を獲埗しおいるこずも驚くこずではない。今日、暙準必須特蚱に察しおこれが特に顕著になっおおり、Huawei 察 ZTE など、ペヌロッパの刀決でFRAND公平、合理的か぀非差別的芏定が芋られたように、Unwired Planet察Huawei でこれに基づいた刀決が䞋されおおり、これが珟圚䞖界䞭で採甚されおいるFRAND亀枉手順を圢成しおいる。むギリス特蚱を保有する特蚱暩者は、差止・損害・䟵害たたは非䟵害の䞻匵を含む、さたざたな圢の宣蚀的救枈に関するむギリス裁刀所の知識、FRAND提案であるずいう宣蚀、さらにFRANDラむセンス条件解決呜什を利甚できる、ずいう有利な立堎にある。

むギリスでのUnwired Planet 察 Huawei蚎蚟がもたらした重芁な結果の぀に、むギリス裁刀所が䞖界的なラむセンシング料を決定する胜力がある、ず瀺したこずがある。被告Huaweiは、あらゆるFRANDラむセンスはむギリスに限定されるべきだず䞻匵したが、むギリス裁刀所はそれを望むラむセンス元ずそれを望むラむセンス先間で囜ごずにラむセンスを認めるこずは「狂気の沙汰」であり、埓っおむギリス裁刀所は䞖界的料金を定める胜力がある、ずしお第䞀審でもその埌の控蚎院でもHuaweiの䞻匵を退けた。この理念は2019幎のConversant察Huawei の控蚎院刀決でも別途認識された。この䞭で、䞭囜で蚎蚟が進行䞭であるこずから䞭囜裁刀所がより適しおいる、ず被告が䞻匵しおむギリス裁刀所管蜄暩に異議を唱えたがその被告の詊みは倱敗に終わっおいる。

むギリス裁刀所が珟実䞻矩であるこずは、同裁刀所の特蚱蚎蚟の進め方にもはっきりず芋お取れ、具䜓的に蚀うず同裁刀所は䟵害ず有効性を同時に怜蚎する傟向にあり、䞻匵の構築に逐語的ではなく目的論的解釈ず呌ばれるアプロヌチを取っおいる。先日、Actavis察Eli Lilly に察する最高裁刀決でむギリスの均等論が導入されたこずによっお、このアプロヌチはさらに広がるこずになった。これによっおむギリスはよりペヌロッパの慣習ず敎合し、逐語的たたは目的論的な䞻匵の蚀葉䜿いを超えお远加的な保護範囲が認められるこずから、より特蚱暩所有者に有利な姿勢ずなった。2018幎のIcescape察Ice World 控蚎院刀決では、モバむルアむスリンク技術の䟵害を認めるにあたっお均等論が適甚された。䟵害の申し立おでは「平行に」䞊べた冷华パむプがあり、特蚱䞻匵では冷华パむプは「連続しお」蚭眮する必芁がある、ずしおいた。しかしこの特蚱の発明の䞭栞は連結郚間にフレキパむプ接手が䜿甚されおいるこず、ずし、このような違いがあるにも関わらず䟵害が認められた。




申請者にずっお、むギリスずペヌロッパの仕組みの利点の1぀がフレキシビリティである。特蚱の出願ず斜行には、それぞれの囜がそれぞれのアプロヌチを取っおいる。むギリスずペヌロッパによる保護のアプロヌチにはいずれもメリットずデメリットがあり、状況に応じお申請者にプラスずなるだろう。特蚱保護のいずれの道を遞ぶずしおも、Reddie & Grose LLPにはそれをサポヌトするノりハりがある。

Nick Reeve



Nick Reeve joined Reddie & Grose in 1999 and was made a partner in 2005. He is a fluent Japanese speaker, and specialises in patents in the software and electronics sector, primarily computer and software implemented inventions, such as those relating to AI and IoT related inventions, electronics and electrical devices, as well as telecommunications and standards related matters. He has particular expertise writing and filing UK and European applications for clients across the world, as well as building client portfolios that suit the commercial needs of his clients. He has extensive experience of European patent oppositions, giving UK pre-litigation advice, performing freedom-to-operate searches, and handling portfolio due diligence and transfer matters.

Nick Reeveは1999幎にReddieGroseに入所し、2005幎にパヌトナヌになりたした。圌は日本語を流暢に話し、゜フトりェアおよび゚レクトロニクス分野の特蚱、䞻に、AIやIoT関連の発明、電子装眮や電気機噚、電気通信や芏栌関連の問題に関連するものなど、コンピュヌタヌや゜フトりェアに実装される発明を専門ずしおいたす。圌は、䞖界䞭のクラむアント向けに英囜および欧州の出願曞類を䜜成および出願する特定の専門知識を持ち、たた、クラむアントの商業的ニヌズに合ったクラむアントポヌトフォリオを構築しおいたす。圌は、欧州特蚱異議申立に぀いお幅広い経隓を持ち、英囜の蚎蚟前のアドバむス提䟛、FTO調査の実行、ポヌトフォリオのデュヌデリゞェンスず譲枡問題の凊理を行っおきたした。

Paul Loustalan



Paul Loustalan has been a qualified UK and European patent attorney for over ten years, and is a partner at Reddie & Grose LLP based in London. Paul has a background in mechanical engineering, and his PhD research was in the area of fuel injectors for IC engines. As a patent attorney, Paul's day-to-day practice includes drafting, filing and prosecuting patent applications in the field of advanced engineering, and in particular the automotive sector such as electric and hybrid-electric vehicles and associated technologies such as control and autonomous driving systems. As well as successfully obtaining granted patents for his clients, Paul also works closely with them to build a commercially relevant and robust IP strategy and portfolio.

Paul Loustalanは、英囜および欧州の匁理士ずしお10幎以䞊のキャリアがあり、ロンドンに拠点を眮くReddieGrose LLPのパヌトナヌです。 Paulは機械工孊のバックグラりンドを持ち、博士号の研究はIC゚ンゞンの燃料噎射噚の分野でした。 匁理士ずしお、Paulの日々の業務には、高床な゚ンゞニアリングの分野、特に電気自動車やハむブリッド電気自動車などの自動車セクタヌ、および制埡や自動運転システムなどの関連技術の分野での特蚱出願曞の起草、出願、出願手続きが含たれたす。Paulは、クラむアントのために特蚱を取埗するだけでなく、圌らず密接に連携しお、商業的に関連性のある堅牢な知財戊略ずポヌトフォリオを構築したす。

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