More than 200 guests attended the dinner at The Dorchester, London to celebrate the awards, which mark achievements in IP during the past year.
A live auction and collection also raised money for Managing IP's charity partner, AMREF/ORBIS.
National awards
Argentina Marval O'Farrell & Mairal
Australia prosecution Davies Collison Cave
Australia contentious Allens
Austria Gassauer-Fleissner Rechtsanwälte
Belgium contentious Altius
Benelux trade mark prosecution NLO Shieldmark
Brazil Dannemann Siemsen Bigler & Ipanema Moreira
Chile Carey
China prosecution Chang Tsi & Partners

China contentious Lifang & Partners
China IP transactional work Baker & McKenzie
China foreign firm Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe
China rising star Unitalen Attorneys at Law
Colombia Brigard & Castro
Denmark COPA Copenhagen Patents
Finland Roschier
France prosecution Cabinet Beau de Loménie
France contentious Hoyng Monegier
Germany prosecution Grünecker

Germany contentious Reimann Osterrieth Köhler Haft
Hong Kong Baker & McKenzie
India prosecution Anand and Anand
India contentious Saikrishna & Associates
Indonesia Rouse
Ireland A&L Goodbody
Italy prosecution Jacobacci & Partners
Italy contentious Studio Legale Jacobacci & Associati
Japan prosecution Nakamura & Partners
Japan contentious Abe Ikubo & Katayama

Japan IP team Abe Ikubo & Katayama
Japan foreign firm Morrison & Foerster
Malaysia Skrine
Mexico - patent Olivares & Cia
Mexico - trade mark Olivares & Cia
Mexico - copyright Olivares & Cia
Middle East Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property
Netherlands patent prosecution V.O.
Netherlands contentious Hoyng Monegier
New Zealand Simpson Grierson

Norway Zacco
Peru Barreda Moller
The Philippines SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan
Poland Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak
Romania Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen
Russia Dentons
Scotland Brodies
Singapore prosecution Marks & Clerk
Singapore contentious Drew & Napier
South Africa Adams & Adams

South Korea prosecution FirstLaw P.C.
South Korea contentious
Kim & Chang
Pan-Asia Baker & McKenzie
Spain prosecution
ZBM Patents & Trademarks
Spain contentious
Clifford Chance
Sweden Vinge
Switzerland Lenz & Staehelin
Taiwan Tsai Lee & Chen
Thailand Domnern Somgiat & Boonma
Turkey Mehmet Gün & Partners

UK patent prosecution
Boult Wade Tennant
UK patent contentious
Wragge & Co
UK trade mark prosecution RGC Jenkins
UK trade mark contentious Pinsent Masons
Vietnam Tilleke & Gibbins
Regional awards
Europe - patent Hoyng Monegier
Europe - high-tech Bird & Bird
Europe - life sciences Simmons & Simmons
Europe - trade mark/design Bird & Bird

Europe - copyright Olswang
Europe - domain names/internet
Hogan Lovells
EPO Lavoix
OHIM Gevers
Pan-Asia Baker & McKenzie
Latin America - firm to watch Allende & Garcia Abogados
Global award
Global firm of the year
DLA Piper
Special awards
Outstanding achievement

Ruud Peters, Philips IP & Standards
Outstanding achievement
Tian Lipu, SIPO
Outstanding achievement Simon Thorley QC
In-house team of the year Novartis