Join Managing IP's upcoming Asia events

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Join Managing IP's upcoming Asia events

In August and September, Managing IP will be hosting events in Singapore and Shanghai that will explore some of the biggest IP developments from around the world and featuring some of the most respected experts in the region

On August 26, we will be hosting the Global Intellectual Property Briefing in partnership with the IP Office of Singapore as part of Singapore’s Global IP Week. The Briefing will cover not only developments in the Asia Pacific region, but also the unitary patent in Europe and International Trade Commission proceedings in the US. These topics are especially appropriate given the growing number of international IP-reliant companies that have established offices in Singapore.

The next week, Managing IP will be in Shanghai for our two-day Global IP and Innovation Summit. We have confirmed speakers including in-house from 3M, Johnson & Johnson, AkzoNobel, Novozymes China and Shanghai CP Guojian, as well as lawyers from Finnegan, Wragge, Orrick, HGF and Valipat. The speakers will be taking deep dives into developments in China such as the new IP courts, as well as issues such as trade secret protection, alternate dispute resolution in IP and international topics including patent reform in the US.

Both events are free for in-house IP counsel and corporate executives. Those interested in sponsorship opportunities should click here for the Singapore event, or here for the Shanghai Summit.

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