Anand and Anand
Philips wins more than $2m in damages as Delhi High Court comes down hard on Indian DVD makers for wasting the court’s time
Sponsored by Anand and AnandPravin Anand and Vaishali R Mittal of Anand and Anand explain how a protracted intellectual property dispute in India has finally come to an end with a triumph for Toshiba
Sponsored by Anand and AnandTusha Malhotra and Tanvi Bhatnagar of Anand and Anand say technological advances such as those in AI are presenting new challenges in protecting the personality rights of celebrities in India and necessitate a delicate balancing act
Sponsored by Anand and AnandShraddha Singh Chauhan of Anand and Anand explores India’s efforts to transform its patent process to encourage the development of AI-related inventions
Sponsored by Anand and AnandArchana Shanker of Anand and Anand explains the significance of punctuation in statutes with reference to the Indian case law regarding voluntary and mandatory divisional applications
Sponsored by Anand and AnandArchana Shanker and Devinder Singh Rawat of Anand and Anand identify an issue in the Indian patent process that is leading to uncertainty for patent applicants over the timing of decisions
Sponsored by Anand and AnandDhruv Anand and Udita M Patro of Anand and Anand explain the significance of a recent ruling concerning trademark protection of film titles and assess the tests used to establish the copyrightability of characters