The webinar, which will take place at 4pm BST/11am EST on July 16, will ask what search engines can do to help protect your IP.
Millions of websites are dedicated to infringing IP, offering copyright content without any licence and selling counterfeit products.
Online infringers can also create fake accounts to harvest data, run operations to trap people into paying for services they never receive and give access to products that are illegal and often dangerous.
The webinar will discuss what search engines can do to help stop this including:
• What is happening online, with case study examples from the pharmaceutical, sports, consumer product, motoring and electrical sectors;
• The case law that shows how search engines can be required to do more;
• What steps brands can take to get more cooperation from search engines.
The webinar will be moderated by Managing IP's Sanjana Kapila and will last for 60 minutes.