In a statement marking the occasion, WIPO Director General Francis Gurry said the way creative works are produced, the sorts of works produced, and how they are distributed, consumed and enjoyed has been “reimagined as a consequence of digital technology”.
He stressed the need to find “the right balance to reward the creators and innovators who enrich our lives, while at the same time ensuring the social benefit of widespread access to their works”.
WIPO last week hosted a Conference on the Global Digital Content Market and has announced a new accessible and responsive format to help people with visual impairments participate in a WIPO Academy Distance Learning Programme course. A list of events and publications to mark World IP Day is available on the dedicated Facebook page. People are also sharing reports, photos and videos on social media using the hashtag #WorldIPDay.
Digital creativity on
To celebrate World IP Day, we have collated some of our recent articles, news reports and blog posts that address various issues related to this year’s theme:
Another way to look at software protection (April 22 2016): protecting GUIs with US design patents
Amendments recommended to US Copyright Act statutory damages provisions (January 28 2016): US Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker proposes copyright reforms
OHIM Observatory published online advertising study (January 12 2016): which sectors are supporting digital ads on IP-infringing websites?
EU Commission proposes copyright overhaul (December 9 2015): Three commissioners provide an update on the Digital Single Market
US music publishers push for deregulation of songwriter royalties (November 6 2015): are Spotify and Pandora taking advantage of antiquated laws?
Google Books is transformative fair use (October 16 2015): The Second Circuit rules on the Authors Guild v Google Books case
Culture clash over copyright exceptions and limitations (October 12 2015): A report from the AIPPI World Congress in Rio de Janeiro
Spain cracks down on IP crime (September 24 2015): Copyright reforms in Spain
Alibaba-Kugou dispute may signal China digital shift (July 1 2015): Report on copyright licensing in China
Interview: Inside PIPCu’s anti-counterfeiting drive (May 201 2015): We talked to DCI Danny Medlycott of the UK Police IP Crime Unit
Fair use in a digital age (May 5 2015): A report from the INTA Annual Meeting in San Diego
Sirius & Pandora cases raise fundamental issues (March 31 2015): Analysis of the key dispute regarding sound recording licences in the United States (the Flo & Eddie case)
Some of these articles require a Managing IP subscription. We have a special World IP Day offer of 20% off subscriptions for new subscribers until 5pm GMT Wednesday: more information here.