The rankings of the top firms, in tiers, are now available on the IP Stars website.
They complement the rankings of top patent firms, published in February.
The rest of the research, including the copyright tables (for selected countries), individual IP Stars rankings and firm-by-firm analysis, will be published over the next three months. See our research timetable for full details.
The rankings are based on extensive research among IP practitioners carried out over six months starting in September last year. A team of researchers in London, New York and Hong Kong sought responses from thousands of practitioners by phone, surveys, email and in face-to-face meetings, making this the most comprehensive and authoritative survey of the IP legal market yet published.
The tables rank firms in tiers or as highly recommended or recommended in each market, based on the feedback received. The total number of firms listed, as well as the number of tiers, varies from country to country. In most countries, there are separate rankings for patent and trade mark work and for prosecution and contentious work. The biggest markets also have separate rankings for copyright work.
The research is conducted rigorously and impartially. Firms cannot vote for their own inclusion or solicit votes from associates. Moreover, the tables are not an exhaustive list of every firm in each jurisdiction; to be included at all, a firm must have received a large number of recommendations from peers and clients. Managing IP does not endorse or recommend any particular firm and no firm has paid to be included in the tables.
Everything included in the survey and commentaries is based on information available when the survey was concluded in January 2015. Any subsequent developments in the market will be reflected in next year’s survey.